Paddling as a Difficulty for Beginner Surfers

Surf Paddling is a Core Technique for Surf Progress

surf paddling

When I teach Surf Lessons in Oceanside USA, I get students of every physical condition. Even the extremely fit find surf paddling tiring. For one, it uses specific muscles that doesn’t quite replicate the swimming experience. Those who infrequently exercise their upper bodies, find paddling is the first thing that goes.

The thing is, students don’t realize that the paddling what is hurting their pop ups. I spot it right away. Paddling creates a fatigue that results in total body fatigue. I often know my session is over when I miss an easy pop up. I know it is paddling fatigue. Work at the gym can help. I do a lot of cable work where I pull the cables toward my body.

We need our upper body for doing pop ups as well. Push ups help and so do bench presses. Practicing pop ups is the best.

The third thing surfers need for surf paddling is stamina or recovery. Any aerobics makes you better.

It goes without saying, that in most sports we need to be stretched. The pop up requires flexibility to touch the ground with the palms of your hands without bending your knees. Stretching your upper body might prevent tweaks after falling.


Learn how to surf with Oceanside Surf Lessons

Dry land and water demonstration of basic techniques.