The First Three Surfing Maneuvers

The first surfing maneuvers can begin in foam waves, but that is practice for the real waves. When I teach Surf Lessons in Oceanside  USA, we focus on riding the surf board straight to the beach. Getting the right posture on the board so that it will go straight is crucial for all advanced steps.

The next step is to ride small faces of real waves. The first maneuver is to bottom turn on the face to turn into the pocket. Place a little pressure on the toes or heels in the direction of travel and rotate the upper body slightly. The edge of the rail will dip into the wave face and the surf board will carve.

The next fun maneuver is to practice cut backs. They occur to reverse direction. They help get back to the power of the wave, stay in the power to ride to the beach, or just show style. Once again, place pressure on the toes or heels in the direction of the turn and rotate the upper body beginning with the head and eyes.

The most important maneuver for short boarders is accelerating. Run the nose of the board up and down the pocket with your front foot as the surf board unweights up and then falls back down the face to increase speed.


Oceanside Surf Lessons for beginner to intermediate surfers.

Excellent pop up video for short boards